Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dell Gets More Support for EMC Acquisition

#Dell 's high-profile acquisition of data storage vendor #EMC makes sense for both EMC and its shareholders, according to an independent proxy advisory firm. Officials with Glass Lewis said in a statement released by EMC that the deal—which is valued at more than $60 billion and includes not only EMC but its federated businesses, such as #VMware, #RSA Security and #Pivotal software unit—is "financially and strategically reasonable from the perspective of EMC and its shareholders." "The proposed consideration represents what is, in our view, an attractive premium to the unaffected closing price of EMC shares and appears generally reasonable in numerous analyses presented by the independent financial advisors, including relative to peer trading multiples, premiums paid and discounted cash flows including stock based compensation expense," the firm stated. "The proposed consideration will allow shareholders to realize a substantial portion of their investment in cash and to continue to participate in the future performance of VMware."

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