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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Lenovo could launch the first bendable smartphones -- capable of rolling up around the owner's wrist -- by 2020.

The first bendable smartphones, capable of rolling up around the owner's wrist, could be on the market in five years' time, the Co-President of #Lenovo 's Mobile Business Group, Aymar de Lencquesaing, said in a recent interview with CNBC. The news comes after the firm demoed a flexible prototype mobile at Lenovo Tech World in June 2016. At the Lenovo Tech World event in June 2016, the Chinese manufacturer presented two prototype handsets with varying degrees of flexibility. The Lenovo Folio takes the form of an 8-inch tablet that can be folded in two, whereas the Lenovo CPlus is an otherwise regular-looking 4.26-inch smartphone that can be rolled around the owner's wrist like an oversized bangle. Both devices run #Google 's #Android OS.

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