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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Google Glass strikes back

The single most innovative wearable of all time has to be #GoogleGlass. Yeah, I said it. And it's true. If you read the tech blogs, you'd be forgiven for believing that Google Glass is a failed product, dead and gone. But in fact, the opposite is true. The #Google Glass Explorer program succeeded wildly. Google is feverishly working on new kinds of Google Glass products, and the innovation around Google Glass never stopped. Wait, what was Google Glass again? On April 15, 2013, Google launched its Explorer program for Google Glass. It was a kind of unique beta program set up not only to test the product but also to find out what people might do with it. The smart glasses cost $1,500. (Some, including me, believed that the high price was in part to keep away casual, nonserious users. High cost was a feature, not a bug.) For most of the Explorer program, Google Glass was available by invitation only. While Google Glass was slammed for being unpopular, Google had, in fact, worked hard to keep the number of users small. Google Glass runs on an operating system called Glass OS, and most of the components inside are similar or identical to smartphone parts. Glass has 2GB of RAM and 16GB of flash storage, plus a camera, a microphone, an accelerometer, a gyroscope and an ambient light sensor.

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