Wednesday, August 10, 2016

HCI vendor Pivot3 reports more customers using more apps

#Pivot3 CEO Ron Nash said Pivot3’s revenue increased by 103% over the past six month as it added more than 400 customers. That includes customers Pivot3 added through technology it acquired when it merged with flash storage vendor NexGen Storage in January. But Nash said revenue from #NexGen made up less than 10% of Pivot3’s revenue in the quarter. The bulk of the growth came from customers expanding their #hyperconverged workload. Nash said until the last six months or so, almost every Pivot3 system was used for a single application. But customers are now adding other apps to their hyper-converged appliance and new customers are buying hyper-converged for more than one app from the start. “Once customers start using it, they say ‘This platform stays up, it’s easy to operate and has a small footprint,’ and then they start loading more applications on it,” Nash said. “That’s the big change we’re seeing. Enough people have tried hyper-converged for a single app, and are now starting to buy it as a platform.”

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