Sunday, August 21, 2016

How to see EVERY Google search you've ever made

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. #Google has been storing every single search you've made – even those naughty ones you'd thought you'd managed to hide - and now you can go back and look at your entire search history. We're not just taking about the recent searches that pop up on your current machine either. We're talking every search you've made on every device, EVER. If you made a search while logged in with your current Gmail or Google account, it's been recorded.
Whether your searches were mobile or desktop locked, they've all been stored, and they're just waiting to be discovered. Assuming you know where to look.

Curious and worried in equal measure? We don't blame you. So, how can you see every Google search you've ever made? Well, if you shield your eyes, make sure you've got the house to yourself and point your browser in the direction of, your whole sordid past will be displayed for your perusal.

On top of being able to see every search you've made, as well as the exact date and time they were made, you can go all meta and search your own search history for forgotten gems and fond memories.

Not only can you see everything you've ever searched for on Google, you can break down your internet hunting history by medium, with image searches, Chrome activity and even Maps exploration able to be broken down and picked apart in minute detail.

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