Saturday, August 13, 2016

What Do Analysts Expect from NetApp in Fiscal 1Q17?

#NetApp ’s all-flash array revenue rises by 238.2% According to IDC’s (International Data Corporation) Worldwide Quarterly Enterprise Storage Systems Tracker, NetApp is growing faster than the overall all-flash array market. NetApp gained significant market share in 1Q16. IDC’s research report states that NetApp’s all-flash array revenue rose by 238.2% YoY (year-over-year) in 1Q16. This was 2.7 times faster than overall market growth of 87.2% YoY. NetApp moved to second place in the tracker compared to fourth place in 4Q15. #EMC (EMC) continued to dominate the #allflash market, with revenue of $245.6 million and a share of 30.9%. NetApp’s all-flash array segment’s revenue was $181.1 million, with a share of 22.8% in 1Q16. Other major players in this segment include technology (QQQ) giants Hewlett-Packard Enterprise ( #HPE ) and #IBM (IBM), which have shares of 12.4% and 8.5%, respectively.

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