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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Microsoft Sharpens (And Bets On) .NET Core Tools

#Microsoft continues the open (as in #opensource, also as in public) development of its software base in 2017 with a series of developments focused very much in what we would calls the tools and tooling space. Before we look at a couple of specific examples, perhaps it is useful to question why this approach so far appears to be working somewhat successfully.

Internal dependencies

The developer teams at Redmond know that their creation of .NET and all its power came with a trade off. That trade off was monolithic size, weight and (some would argue) clunkiness in a software platform that is ultimately hampered by its own 'internal dependencies'. With the term 'dependencies' referring to objects of code that serve another piece of software... think of them as mechanical components like pistons or pipes i.e. not easy things to just yank out and use elsewhere in another vehicle or machine in their 'native' form. Indeed, the quest for native computing is a mission in and of itself, but that's a slightly wider story.

New in terms of product refinement is the Microsoft Delivery Plans tool — a piece of technology designed to help coordinate team members' work efforts.

Microsoft Visual Team Studio program manager, Derrick Fu explains that this software will bring together a view of work that is being carried out across different teams on different projects.

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