Saturday, March 18, 2017

5 Eye-Popping Facts About Dell EMC's Assault On The All-Flash Market

#DellEMC Bullish On #AllFlash Seizing upon some recent stats from research firm IDC, as well as internal data, Dell EMC storage chief Jeff Boudreau lays out some big numbers from Dell EMC's past year in all-flash storage technology. In a recent blog, Boudreau recounts Dell EMC's all-flash successes from the past year and looks ahead to the near future, when he says Dell EMC will continue to put distance between itself and other all-flash market players and introduce its first storage system with NVMe. Boudreau, senior vice president and general manager of midrange storage, admits that perhaps Dell EMC was a little late to the all-flash game, but notes that the company shipped more than an Exabyte of all-flash array capacity in 2016. Here are five key points from Boudreau's Dell EMC all-flash redux.

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