Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How IBM Has Become A Serious Contender In The Enterprise Cloud Services Market

When it comes to #publiccloud, #Amazon and #Microsoft enjoy the mindshare of enterprise decision makers. While Amazon’s #AWS is considered the category leader, Microsoft has not left any stone unturned to become a cloud-first company. Given the breadth and depth of the portfolio, industry veterans agree that AWS and #Azure are the top public cloud platforms for enterprises. These two companies have been making steady progress to consolidate their position in the market. #Microsoft is inching closer to #Amazon, which is widening the gap between the second and third slots. #Google, #IBM, and #Oracle are battling it out to become the third best enterprise cloud. What is IBM’ s strategy to become the top enterprise cloud platform leaving the competition behind? IBM’s big bets come in the form of #Blockchain, #CognitiveComputing, and #InternetofThings. These services are built on the foundation of #Bluemix and #Watson – the cloud and #AI platforms from IBM. Both Bluemix and Watson have emerged as the key differentiating factors for the company. Bluemix, a service built on top of OpenStack and Cloud Foundry, delivers IaaS and PaaS capabilities. Watson is an outcome of decades of research from IBM in the space of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Though the platform can deliver traditional cloud services such as VMs, storage, and networking, IBM is emphasizing on the forward-looking use cases revolving around data and analytics.

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