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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Restructured Intel Aims To Collaborate With Google To Take On Cloud and IoT Markets

While #AMD is back in the PC hardware scene providing fierce competition with #Ryzen, #Intel is out looking for new revenue sources in emerging technology markets. Intel has a small presence already in the mobile market but only the less popular phones and tablets have Intel system on chips ( #Soc ). However, Intel is looking for a fresh start in the Internet of Things and Cloud markets with the help of #Google. Intel formed a strategic alliance with Google last November and they are looking to take this forward by designing their processors to adapt to the upcoming world of #ArtificialIntelligence. The cloud service providers have such a strong impact on Intel that they are actually pushing them off their roadmap for processors. Raejeanne Skillern, Vice president of the Data Center Group and general manager of the Cloud Service Provider Business at Intel had this to say: "We completely restructured Intel to be a cloud and IoT company. These cloud service providers have actually in some cases pushed us off of our roadmap in terms of what we can provide in terms of performance." Here is a video of the interview:

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