Monday, May 8, 2017

Quantum computing impacts the ecosystem of the Internet of Things for industrial use

A growing number if IT companies are working on developing new computing models equipped with innovative interaction methodologies that guarantee secure communications between humans, sensors and data analysis platforms. Organisations such as #Kaspersky Lab., #IBM, #Google, #Microsoft and #Intel, amongst others, have been investigating new procedures for increasing the computational power that supports #IoT systems through #quantumcomputing for some time now. In the continuous technological evolution involved in the promotion and diversification of an increasingly extensive Internet of Things (IoT), which has emerged powerfully in industrial processes thanks to advances in data analysis, there is an equally powerful need to review and improve everything related to the security of communications if we want to continue moving forward in implementing the IoT ecosystem. In the scenario of the future that points towards autonomous and connected ‘things’, security has become a crucial factor. This is where quantum cryptography – which uses the laws of quantum mechanics for generating secure codes – comes into its own, with the aim of guaranteeing secure end-to-end communications. The versatile interactions that takes place in communications between people and machines have all the signs vulnerability from the point of view of security; a factor that emerges in view of the need for devices, sensors and IoT networks to be able to withstand the depth charge of computational and mathematical complexity used by the ever more frequent cryptographic attacks, bearing in mind the sophistication of the threats coming from whole communities of hackers operating from anywhere in the world. The vulnerability of existing cryptographic keys against the computational power that is yet to come Postquantum cryptography is set to be the next step to which the cryptographic algorithms generally used will have to adapt, which have been developed taking into account certain security parameters in order to protect information from attacks that may be perpetrated by the power that quantum computers will acquire in the future. This is why post-quantum cryptography represents a step forward compared to the current use of cryptographic algorithms, which are highly vulnerable as they can be easily broken by an averagely powerful quantum computer. The problem with commonly-used algorithms is that their security depends on three highly complex mathematical problems which, paradoxically, can be solved with relative ease by sufficiently powerful quantum computers. Even the experimental quantum computers we know today are not powerful enough to attack any conventional cryptographic algorithm; however, more and more cryptographers are going for the design of new algorithms with a greater complexity load in order to be prepared for the time when the era of quantum computation becomes a reality. Although they have not yet materialised, given the limited power of the early models currently in use, the threat of quantum computers is real, and so is the risk of some of them falling into the hands of hacking organisations. In the not-too-distant future a quantum computer will be built with enough power to be able to demolish all the security procedures we rely on today. However, when the time comes to obtain the first quantum computer with high computational power, the new post-quantum algorithms must be in place and thus allow the secure infrastructures and technologies that have been developed in the last decade to continue operating securely with just a few minor changes. In search of post-quantum algorithms that guarantee IT security The Kaspersky security organisation predicts the disappearance of cryptography as we know it today in its blog. “Quantum computing may bring either salvation or doom to this emerging new world, although the way in which cryptography exists today will definitely lead to doom.” The thesis that “cryptography is one of the very few fields where adversarial conflict continues to heavily favour the defender’ will be strongly contested until effective post-quantum cryptographic algorithms are introduced,” continues the security organisation. As well as defending the use of post-quantum algorithms in IoT security, the Russian cybersecurity firm has developed an operating system that it claims is ‘unhackable’, with the aim of increasing and protecting the security of systems, devices, sensors and networks. Thus Kaspersky OS is an operating system that is currently installed in certain types of Layer 3 Switches that will provide high levels of security for data flows. The most notable feature of this operating system is that it is based on microkernel architecture, which means that it does not contain any Linux elements, allowing you to make assemblies of different blocks for each user to create their ideal version of the operating system. “Hacking this OS means having to break the digital signature, and this possibility is only within the realm of quantum computers. Another big difference in the Kaspersky OS is that it doesn’t use any Linux elements, which gives it the ability to control the behaviour of both the applications and the operating system itself”, noted Eugene Kaspersky recently, the CEO of the company that bears his name, in a post published on his blog.

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