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Thursday, June 1, 2017

NEC launches SDN transport solution with Infinera and Juniper

#NEC and subsidiary #Netcracker Technology have partnered with Infinera and #Juniper Networks to launch a new transport software-defined networking ( #SDN ) solution. The solution aims to transform how networks are managed and controlled by combining #Infinera’ s expertise in network building, Juniper’s experience in IP/MPLS and physical/ virtual network functionality, and NEC/Netcracker’s multilayer control. The solution offers full visibility across all IP, optical and microwave domains, while offering the ability to optimise network utilisation and automated service provisioning, NEC claims. "Service providers need a master Transport SDN solution that optimizes network traffic and automates configuration to maximize performance across all transport layers," said Shigeru Okuya, Senior Vice President at NEC Corporation. "With the support of our partners, NEC and Netcracker ensure that our customers can leverage best-of-breed solutions with minimal risk to enable end-to-end network automation and control." The solution was deomnstated as part of the Optical Interworking Forum (OIF) Open Networking Foundation (ONF) Transport API project, which included lab tests across a number of carrier’s networks, including Verizon and Telefonica’s. "Juniper Networks is committed to improving network automation so our customers can respond to changing traffic patterns with speed and agility, while optimizing network utilization," said Brian Rosenberg, corporate VP of partners and alliances at Juniper Networks. "Infinera’s goal is to provide highly scalable, automated and open Intelligent Transport Network solutions for our customers as they address a new era of more dynamic and ever-greater bandwidth demand," added Serge Melle, VP of business development at Infinera

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