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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Computing about to take a quantum leap

#Quantumcomputing can make computers work a lot faster In theory, #quantumcomputers could be vastly superior to regular or “classical” computers in performing certain kinds of tasks, but it’s been hard to build one Creating breakthrough medicines in just months instead of scores of years spent in complex research, cracking the toughest computer code in just minutes, creating fool proof financial models for capital markets that analyse trends and execute trades at lightning speeds or forecasting weather with absolute precision, with marginal possibilities of error. These are no longer in the realms of distant possibilities but could turn into reality in just a couple of years, as quantum computing research progresses rapidly with the promise of workable versions being available as early as end of this year.According to MarketWatch, the quantum computing market is projected to top $5bn by 2020, not quite the big leagues yet. It attracted $147 million in venture capital in the last three years alone, and $2.2 billion in government funding globally, according to a Deloitte analysis. Barclays and Goldman Sachs are investigating the use of quantum computing in areas such as "portfolio optimization, asset pricing, capital project budgeting and data security. From fintech, to big data, to hardware design, cybersecurity, general analysis services, information and systems modelling, biotechnology, and a host of other sectors, once quantum computing gains sufficient traction, this would unleash the next wave of disruption along with artificial intelligence.

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