Sunday, August 20, 2017

NetApp CEO to Nutanix, VMware: Our HCI Is Better Than Yours

#NetApp plans to take on #hyperconvergedinfrastructure ( #HCI) giants #Nutanix and #VMware with its next-generation HCI system, said NetApp CEO @GeorgeKurian on a call with investors this week. “Our approach is to bring to the enterprise, an enterprise-grade hyperconverged solution that deals with some of the challenges that first-generation hyperconverged solutions like #VSAN and Nutanix has,” Kurian said on NetApp’s first quarter fiscal year 2018 earnings conference call. “This is the ability to deliver a guaranteed mixed workload performance to have modular scalability and upgradability of your storage environment, and your compute environment, as well as to deploy mission-critical workloads like databases and other things beyond #VDI, which is where the primary first-generation vendors are.”

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