Monday, December 11, 2017

Lenovo Launches China Industrial Big Data Application Alliance To Boost Smart Manufacturing

@Lenovo Group Ltd. has teamed up with China Electronics Standardization Institution to launch an #IndustrialBigData Application Alliance to support the utilization of industrial big data. Under the alliance announced Friday in Beijing, over 80 companies from the fields of #artificialintelligence, #bigdata, #InternetofThings, #cloudcomputing, #augmentedreality, #virtualreality and #robotics have joined the alliance, including @Tencent Cloud, @TCL Corp and @Haier Group Corp. The alliance will aim to standardize industrial big data, push digital data modelling of the industrial chain, develop professional algorithm to meet corporate demand for high accuracy data analysis, as well as focus on the visualization of data.  Lenovo’s CEO, Yang Yuanqing, said that the establishment of the alliance will help upgrade and transform the manufacturing sector. At the same time, Lenovo also launched its Industrial Internet Platform, aiming to support over 100,000 companies in the next five years. Industrial big data is considered the foundation of smart manufacturing, and the newly established alliance is in line with the Chinese government’s policy to develop the smart manufacturing sector. In 2015, the state council issued the China Smart Manufacturing 2025 plan, with an emphasis on the application of smart manufacturing, especially for smart devices and smart products. Later in the same year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Standardization Administration issued a guideline saying the smart manufacturing standardization system should be completed in five years. The Chinese industrial big data sector is developing rapidly. However, it also faces problems including the lack of standards for products data, the difficulty of reading and writing of high-end devices, lack of application and data security problems. The newly announced alliance is seen as a step towards dealing with some of those issues. Earlier this month, Tencent Cloud, together with Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Committee, Zhenhai District government and cloud computing company Chinajey, set up an industrial cloud platform, which focuses on the development of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and industrial Internet. In the same month, Terry Gou, founder of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., said in the World Internet Conference that Foxconn is transforming from a traditional manufacturing company to an advanced manufacturing company with the application of industrial Internet. He said in the future, the company will open part of its industrial big data to help other small and medium-sized enterprises’ upgrade.

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