Monday, January 8, 2018

Dell Boomi Expands iPaaS in 2018 for Event-Driven Triggers, EDI, Analytics and Workflows

@Dell @Boomi is taking #cloud integration in some new directions in 2018.  The latest #AtomSphere #iPaaS upgrades lend support to a new set of use cases, including #EDI, #IoT, real-time #analytics, #eventbased #triggers, and end-to-end workflow apps. @IDN speaks with Dell Boomi’s @Jeff Burk.

Dell Boomi is taking cloud integration in some new directions in 2018.  The company’s latest upgrades to its AtomSphere iPaaSwill support to a new set of use cases, including EDI, IoT, real-time analytics, event-based triggers, and end-to-end workflow apps. IDN

Dell Boomi’s vice president of R&D Jeff Burk, spoke with IDN about customer requests and technology trends – and how they are shaping his company’s vision for cloud apps and integration in 2018.  

“Like many in the iPaaS space, we’ve supported Salesforce integration for many years. We’ve spent a lot of time asking those customers how they use Salesforce -- and more importantly what they’ll need next,” Burk told IDN.  Those customer interviews led Burk and his team to focus on new questions about the user experience – not just the UI, but how Salesforce users use the app (and the data housed inside) in different ways.  The results were enlightening.


“We found more and more users take advantage of Salesforce to trigger an action – not just messaging within Salesforce, but with other [outside] apps,” Burk told IDN.  “perhaps just as importantly, we found there were things the Boomi iPaaS could do to make this faster, easier and more impactful to the business.” 

Specifically, Boomi engineers have crafted a ‘listener,’ which can greatly simplify how these triggers get built and deployed, “We’ve put together all the pieces needed to supply a ‘listener’ that can listen for the event. We’ve made it very similar to our pre-built [integration] connectors, so users don’t have to figure out all that heavy lifting,” Burk said. “This makes it so much faster and easier to build and put listeners in place.”  


Further, the listener also sets the stage for a more seamless hybrid architecture, Burk added. “Technologies such as listeners, will let cloud, on-prem and the edge to all work together--smarter and more seamlessly,” he added.

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