Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Huawei to create world’s largest OpenStack resource pool

@Huawei is deploying its #CloudFabric solution to help @China Mobile build a #privatecloud #resourcepool which will become the largest of its type. The Chinese firm is entering the second phase of its project, which is intended to help China Mobile move from traditional IT systems to a centralised #cloudcomputing platform. It is doing this by building a private cloud resource pool for #datacentres in the Chinese cities of Hohhot and Harbin. As with many major organisations worldwide, China Mobile is shifting its strategy towards cloud computing. For the state-owned operator, which is the largest in the world by number of subscribers, that means a focus on private cloud for internal infrastructure. The telco, worth 1.57 trillion Chinese Yuan (approx. £177 billion), is looking to use private cloud to improve its internal IT systems, business platforms and IT support. As it stands, its existing resource pools, of which it has five, are not able to match demand, meaning the need to build out a larger pool is a pressing concern for the company. The first phase of the project, as carried out by Huawei, was completed in 2016. Using the CloudFabric solution, an architecture designed to meet the changing data centre network requirements that arise in the cloud era, it will undertake a significantly larger project in the second phase. According to Huawei, the telco firm is looking to increase its capacity ahead of time, in order to keep up with anticipated increase in demand. This later phase of the project has demanding requirements. Specifically, the resource pool’s scale and efficiency need to be balanced against the requirements of a number of complex services while at the same time improving the utilisation rate of data centre equipment. The CloudFabric architecture from Huawei works alongside China Mobile’s points of delivery and its multi-tier ‘Spine-Leaf’ network architecture. Through the introduction of distributed gateways and software-defined networking, Huawei will automate resource network deployment, which in turn should provide highly reliable and high-performance services.

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