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Monday, March 26, 2018

The Future of Programming GPU Supercomputers

There are few people as visible in high performance computing programming circles as @MichaelWolfe—and fewer still with level of experience. With 20 years working on PGI compilers and another 20 years before that working on languages and #HPC compilers in industry, when he talks about the past, present and future of programming supercomputers, it is worthwhile to listen. In his early days at PGI (formerly known as The Portland Group) Wolfe focused on building out the company’s suite of Fortran, C, and C++ compilers for HPC, a role that changed after Nvidia Tesla GPUs came onto the scene and required stronger hooks for the growing supercomputing set in 2007–and certainly after. Even though Wolfe (who came to Nvidia in 2007 when the GPU maker acquired PGI) sees GPU computing as a major force that has shaped HPC, he says that when it comes to programming GPU supercomputers in the next decade, the more things will change the more they will stay the same—in some ways at least. During his talk today at the annual GPU Technology Conference (GTC), Wolfe made the argument that the way we write parallel codes in HPC will not change much from how it’s done now. In short, C++ and Fortran will still dominate but for GPU accelerated supercomputing, these simpler methods will overtake others as more creativity is put into exploiting the inherent parallelism of GPU and the sequential offload capabilities of CPUs (which Wolfe says will continue to be just as relevant). This might not be the sexy futurist answer folks were hoping to hear from Wolfe, but let’s be honest—HPC programming is about extending the lifespan of languages over many decades. “Some, especially those who are younger, are going to be bothered by seeing Fortran here. Think about this: 30 years ago when C++ was invented, Fortran was already 30 years old. Young people then were sneering as many of you are now, saying it’s too old and needs to be retired. Now C++ is 30 and I don’t hear any sneering there—in 30 years when C++ is 60, you’ll be ecstatic that the framework you worked on still works with C++,” Wolfe told the whippersnappers in the room. The way these languages adapt over time is going to take some creativity, as we will get to in a moment, but Wolfe says he believes that both Fortran and C++ will continue to be the future of HPC programming with GPUs with no extensions and no directives for most users—a big claim at a time when we see even sophisticated directives-based approaches like OpenMP and OpenACC working hard to keep up with the many changes in new GPU memory architectures (among other things) in architectures like the latest Volta generation GPUs.

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