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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Is Cisco Opening Up With Its DevNet Group?

When you’re big, it seems like everyone is gunning for you. Much the same could be said for @Cisco Systems. Chided in the past for locking in its customers with a closed approach to delivering networking solutions, the company is now embracing an open standards approach. I had the opportunity recently to attend the second Cisco #DevNet Create at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Here are some of my thoughts after attending the event. ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads Learn, code, inspire and connect This is the mantra for the Cisco DevNet community led by Susie Wee, Vice President and CTO. In the mere four years of its existence, Cisco’s developer community has grown to nearly 400,000 strong across the world. I had the personal opportunity to meet many at the event and asked them a simple question: is Cisco really embracing open standards? The answer was a resounding yes, with many citing the excellent tools, “sandboxes” for testing, and community support—all of which facilitate an agile approach to developing on top of Cisco’s wired and Meraki-branded wireless solutions. It helps that leader Wee is an IEEE fellow and personally holds 45 patents. Apparently, she’s also an exceptional hockey player. Build it right and they will come Though the business world likes to co-opt the “Field of Dreams” quote, “build it and they will come,” I’ve learned first-hand as a product marketer that building a great product doesn’t always equate to success. @Cisco #DevNet ’s mission is to enable an ecosystem of developers to write applications and develop integrations with Cisco products, platforms, and APIs (application program interfaces) that result in high customer value. The difference here is user input—these developers are tasked with solving Cisco customer challenges. DevNet priorities include advancing #SDN ( #softwaredefined networking), security, and #IoT (Internet of Things), amongst other initiatives.

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