Dell, EMC, Dell Technologies, Cisco,

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

NetApp/SolidFire – a new powerhouse, or straws grasping at each other?

In December 2015, #NetApp made its bid for #SolidFire at $870m. 6 months in, with the integration of the two companies and their products still ongoing, what does the future look like for the new company?

In June 2016, SolidFire held its last analyst day as an independent company in Boulder, Colorado. With only the ‘i’s to dot and the ‘t’s to cross, the SolidFire executives were in a position to talk more about the future in many areas – and NetApp also sent across a couple of their guys, including CEO George Kurian. Kurian himself has only been in position for a year, having joined NetApp #from Cisco in 2011. The previous CEO, Tom Georgens, left under a cloud – NetApp revenues were in decline, and shareholders were beginning to make their feelings felt (from a high of close to $150, NetApp’s shares traded at around $33 when Georgens stepped down). Although NetApp had set the cat amongst the pigeons as it pressurised the big incumbency of #EMC, forcing EMC to lower its prices and become less hubristic in its approach to the market, maintaining innovation and market pressure was proving a bit of an issue.

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