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Monday, November 6, 2017

Datrium storage system injects flash into the equation

The new @Datrium hardware includes the all-flash #F12X2 Data Node and @Intel #Skylake -based #CN2100 #ComputeNodes that support nonvolatile memory express ( #NVMe ) flash. Datrium said an all-flash F2X12 cluster scales to 500 TB of effective capacity with #DVX inline compression. Datrium also unveiled the next generation of its disk-based Data Nodes. The D12X4B storage nodes can be clustered for up to 1 PB of effective capacity. CN2100 servers work with both flash and disk Data Nodes. Datrium launched in 2015 with DVX software-defined storage for server-side flash. Datrium strips out durable storage from compute nodes, but keeps data services in the server. The Datrium Compute node captures a write in host-based flash and mirrors a copy to nonvolatile RAM in Datrium Data Nodes. Each DVX host in a cluster can access shared storage on DVX Data Nodes. The system has always captured writes in flash, but the earlier Datrium DVX nodes used only disk for storage. Craig Nunes, Datrium's vice president of marketing, said the new models extend flash to backup and secondary storage. Those workloads traditionally are associated with spinning disk. "We've talked to a number of customers that are very interested in shifting their data centers to an all-flash infrastructure. People are already moving down that path from a primary storage perspective, but we've talked to folks who want to move anything stored locally to flash. Then they [plan to] replicate to disk or cloud for long-term retention," Nunes said.

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