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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

60 seconds with: Catherine Doyle, Enterprise Sales Director, Dell EMC Ireland

@CatherineDoyle, Enterprise Sales Director, @DellEMC Ireland, takes on the Business & Finance 60-second interview challenge. Q. What was your first job? My first job was working in Dunnes Stores tidying the kids’ shoes aisle, I wasn’t very good at it as I couldn’t seem to match up the shoes! After that I worked as an Internal Sales Rep and started my career journey in the technology sector. Q. What would you regard as your greatest achievement to date? I am very lucky to have always enjoyed what I do, so for me it is my current role. At a time of great change, being part of the Dell EMC team allows me to help shape our digital future and deliver next-generation innovations for customers. Working with our customers we have an opportunity to shape their digital transformation journey from the edge to cloud to core. This is what really excites me. Business has changed so much in recent years that digital is really driving every industry – that requires a shift in how we approach our customers. I feel really privileged to be part of creating that shift in Dell EMC. Q. In three words or less, how do you define success? Dream, change, enjoy. Q. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Take time to understand your customer and the business outcomes they strive towards. By putting a client’s needs front and centre, business leaders can best develop and deliver tailor-made solutions that help make customers successful both today and into the future. If your customer is happy, everyone is happy! Q. How do you motivate yourself and your staff? I think motivation is a very personal thing, and not everyone is motivated in the same way. I’m personally motivated by the fast-paced environment of technology. It fascinates me and gives me the chance to constantly learn. I also like working with people. I’m a great believer in creating the right environment, with a positive, team-oriented ethos, anchored in clear goals and objectives and all working towards a shared vision. With this approach, every person can have the opportunity to drive their success in the way that works for them. I think it’s very important to not lose sight of the importance of personal growth and development.   Q. If you could step into the shoes of one business person for the day, who would it be and why? It would probably be Richard Branson. He seems to be an incredibly interesting person and an inspiring leader who believes in turning ideas into reality. Through his thought-leadership and creative streak, he has made transformation a reality for everyone – whether it be making air travel fun or bringing us closer to the stars. There doesn’t seem to be anything he is afraid of. Q. How do you relax? I love hill walking, reading and travelling. I have two children and spend a lot of time bringing them to their different interests and that’s also great downtime for me in their company. Q. What’s your motto? Don’t be afraid and go for it. In an era of great change, it is those who are bold and ambitious that will achieve positive results for their business and themselves. Q. What are your aspirations for the future of your business? We have such a great team at Dell EMC and a fantastic community spirit, I would like to see that grow and thrive. There are a lot of new technologies emerging that will dramatically change how we live and work. Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and the move to the cloud are creating exciting new opportunities for our business to flourish. How we match those technologies with business outcomes is key to staying ahead and something which we work on daily. I hope that into the future we continue to bring innovative ideas to the fore that foster positive change and real value for organisations across Ireland.

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