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Friday, January 5, 2018

Salesforce wants to reach $60 billion revenue goal by 2034

We all know that Salesforce sets big goals. It just recently blew through its $10 billion goal just a few years after CEO and co-founder Marc Benioff had set it, but the company has no intention of simply stopping there, not by a long shot. In a slide posted on Twitter today from CTO and co-founder Parker Harris’s presentation to a group of analysts, the company revealed that it has even bigger goals, much bigger. We all had heard about the $20 billion goal by 2022, but how about $40 billion by 2028 and $60 billion by 2034? As Salesforce sees it, their revenue goals are like the chapters in a book. As we enter 2018, the company is just beginning Chapter 3, the $20 billion goal. Beyond that Chapters 4 and 5 loom with the goal of adding $20 billion every six years.

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