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Sunday, July 10, 2016

A Company You Don't Expect Could Make $1 Billion On A Yahoo Sale

How will buyers respond? #Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer may have had a good idea back in 2014. But now it may turn out to be a very bad one. In 2014, Mayer signed a deal with #Mozilla to make Yahoo YHOO 0.59% the default search engine in Mozilla’s popular Firefox browser. In doing so, Yahoo replaced #Google, although Firefox users still had the option to switch to Google by changing the browser’s settings. For Mayer, the deal was a potentially pivotal one. At the time, Firefox was one of the most popular browsers in the world and accounted for a large chunk of search traffic when she was a Google executive. Yahoo taking over from Google let Mayer get that search traffic and hopefully get more people to use her own service.

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