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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Gartner Research on Software-defined Storage: The CxO View

Welcome Fellow CxO, Today’s business climate carries a great deal of uncertainty for companies of all sizes and industries.

To seize new business models and opportunities, systems must be flexible and easily adjusted in order to respond to growth spurts, seasonality and peak periods. Likewise agility helps us mitigate risk .With the sluggish economies across the world, there is a need to be prepared to react quickly to changing fortunes. From cutting back when needed to rapidly growing when opportunities present themselves, companies are less focused on long-term planning in favor of quick decisions and meeting quarterly expectations. #datacore

Technology is changing business dynamics as well. Social, mobile and cloud are impacting companies’ operations, meaning they need to be able to meet changing demand 24x7. This has put a premium on companies’ ability to react quickly while being able to absorb and analyze all the data they are gathering.

In survey after survey, CxOs highlight the following challenges when it comes to IT:

Dealing with the rapid growth of dataHigh cost of storing this dataDelivering high-performance applicationsMeeting Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery requirements

When looking at IT infrastructure, it’s pretty clear that compute and networking have taken the lead in meeting these demanding requirements. But, storage is a laggard.

Enter Software-defined Storage (SDS). Aside from being the latest buzzword, what is SDS and will it help companies like yours succeed?

Put simply, SDS delivers agility, faster time to respond to change and more purchasing power control in terms of cost decisions. Gartner defines SDS as “storage software on industry-standard server hardware [to] significantly lower opex of storage upgrades and maintenance costs… Eliminates need for high-priced proprietary storage hardware”.

Our own research based on thousands of customers real-world feedback shows a growing interest in SDS. By separating the storage software from storage hardware, SDS is able to:

Pool data stores allowing all storage assets and their existing and new capacity investments to work together ;enabling different storage devices from different vendors to be managed in commonProvide a comprehensive set of data services across different platforms and hardwareSeparate advances in software from advances in hardwareAutomate and simplify management of all storage

The benefits to your company are potentially enormous. In a recent survey of over 2000 DataCore customers that have deployed SDS, key findings include:

79% improved performance by 3X or more83% reduced storage-related downtime by 50% or more81% reduced storage-related spending by 25% or more100% saw a positive ROI in the first year

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