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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Mainstream Hadoop users zero in on business benefits of big data

The need to prove the business benefits of big data applications and platforms has taken center stage in a growing number of mainstream organizations, and it isn't always an easy task for IT and analytics managers.

For example, a big data deployment wasn't a slam-dunk decision for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.

"For a lot of organizations like ours, big data has not yet become a core foundation of running the business," said Beata Puncevic, director of analytics, data engineering and data management at the medical insurer. "When you go in and talk to a lot of [executives] about investing in a big data platform, it completely does not resonate with the challenges of the day."

At Blue Cross and other healthcare businesses, those challenges include low profit margins that don't leave a lot of money for technology innovation, plus resource and skill-set issues and a relatively conservative culture, according to Puncevic. As a result, she and her colleagues had to put in some extra effort to get approval and funding for a #Hadoop data lake that went into use in May.

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