Dell, EMC, Dell Technologies, Cisco,

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dell-EMC, with its VCE group, is well positioned to become the hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) market leader in a relatively short period of time

It seems the topic of hyper-converged infrastructure ( #HCI ) comes ups in almost every conversation I have with IT leaders regarding their data center modernization plans. A few weeks ago at VMworld, #VCE —the converged systems group of #EMC, now #DellTechnologies—hosted an analyst breakfast, and as expected, HCI was a significant part of the discussion. Since then, I’ve had some time to talk to businesses about HCI and to noodle on the open discussion that we (the analysts) had with the head of #VCE, Chad Sakac. I believe VCE's products and the way they go to market positions the combined Dell-EMC extremely well in the HCI market

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