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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Microsoft cloud chief: Our early IoT investment sets us apart from Amazon

It's become largely accepted by most industry watchers that the No. 1 and No. 2 players in the cloud are #Amazon and #Microsoft. Both offer infrastructure-as-a-service ( #IaaS ) and platform-as-a-service ( #PaaS ). Both share many higher-level services in common.

Given that landscape, what does #Azure do better than Amazon's #AWS?

That question was put to Scott Guthrie, Microsoft's executive vice president of Cloud and Enterprise, earlier this week at the Deutsche Bank Technology Conference.

Guthrie talked about Microsoft's hybrid approach to its cloud services as its biggest single differentiator, especially for enterprise customers. But he also mentioned Microsoft's early #IoT investment as another.

"We invested very heavily in IoT early," Guthrie told conference attendees. "And so I mentioned like BMW, or Rolls-Royce, or GE, or some of the other IoT wins up there, sometimes when we're first to market in a particular category, whether it's IoT, our new Data Lake service that's coming out this Fall, we think will also be quite differentiated, BI is another area where I think we're quite differentiated."

(Note: Microsoft's Data Lake Analytics and Data Lake Store services are both still in preview. I'm guessing the preview tag comes off at Ignite, based on Guthrie's comments above.)

Microsoft has more than 120,000 new Azure subscriptions being created each month, Guthrie said. There are 1.6 million production databases now hosted in Azure, plus more than 2 trillion IoT messages each week. He added that there are more than 5 million organizations using Azure as their identity servers.

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