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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How Cloud Is Changing IT Investment Planning

IT roadmaps are shifting as technologies like cloud, containers, and #softwaredefinedinfrastructure change where and how enterprise resources are consumed and managed. Is the cloud causing corporate technology deployments to speed up or slow down? The answer is both. Roadmaps once defined by three-year depreciation and upgrade cycles now have time horizons between 12 and 18 months. In reviewing IT roadmaps during the last 5 years, we've seen the pace of change in cloud capabilities and growth of larger cloud footprints lead to accelerated investment in areas that a few years ago were considered questionable. Investment has also slowed in areas that were once near certainties. Our analysis points to three major investment shifts across the next 18 months. From cloud-skeptical to cloud-first Just a few years ago, most corporate IT departments restricted investment in public cloud services to a limited set of use cases, like temporary number-crunching for large datasets. Today, even highly regulated companies have declared a "cloud-first" strategy, in which the public cloud is the default option for new development. This summer, we gathered data from 107 IT leaders across eight countries about the technologies they have in pilot today and are planning for 2017. Not surprisingly, the largest category of active pilots involved cloud services. What was surprising was that several of these pilots were for capabilities that were not on most roadmaps a year ago, such as cloud-based disaster recovery.

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